Library Reference

First level variables


The version of the BLZ package.


The minimum version of numexpr needed (numexpr is optional).


The number of cores detected.


Whether minimum version of numexpr has been detected.

Top level classes

class bparams(clevel=5, shuffle=True, cname="blosclz")

Class to host parameters for compression and other filters.

clevel : int (0 <= clevel < 10)
The compression level.
shuffle : bool
Whether the shuffle filter is active or not.
cname : string (‘blosclz’, ‘lz4’, ‘lz4hc’, ‘snappy’, ‘zlib’, others?)
Select the compressor to use inside Blosc.
The shuffle filter may be automatically disable in case it is non-sense to use it (e.g. itemsize == 1).

Also, see the barray and btable classes below.

Top level functions

array2string(a, max_line_width=None, precision=None, suppress_small=None, separator=' ', prefix="", style=repr, formatter=None)

Return a string representation of a barray/btable object.

This is the same function than in NumPy. Please refer to NumPy documentation for more info.

See Also:
set_printoptions(), get_printoptions()
arange([start], stop[, step], dtype=None, **kwargs)

Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.

Values are generated within the half-open interval [start, stop) (in other words, the interval including start but excluding stop). For integer arguments the function is equivalent to the Python built-in range function, but returns a barray rather than a list.

start : number, optional
Start of interval. The interval includes this value. The default start value is 0.
stop : number
End of interval. The interval does not include this value.
step : number, optional
Spacing between values. For any output out, this is the distance between two adjacent values, out[i+1] - out[i]. The default step size is 1. If step is specified, start must also be given.
dtype : dtype
The type of the output array. If dtype is not given, infer the data type from the other input arguments.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray

Array of evenly spaced values.

For floating point arguments, the length of the result is ceil((stop - start)/step). Because of floating point overflow, this rule may result in the last element of out being greater than stop.

eval(expression, vm=None, out_flavor=None, user_dict=None, **kwargs)

Evaluate an expression and return the result.

expression : string
A string forming an expression, like ‘2*a+3*b’. The values for ‘a’ and ‘b’ are variable names to be taken from the calling function’s frame. These variables may be scalars, barrays or NumPy arrays.
vm : string
The virtual machine to be used in computations. It can be ‘numexpr’ or ‘python’. The default is to use ‘numexpr’ if it is installed.
out_flavor : string
The flavor for the out object. It can be ‘barray’ or ‘numpy’.
user_dict : dict
An user-provided dictionary where the variables in expression can be found by name.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray object
The outcome of the expression. You can tailor the properties of this barray by passing additional arguments supported by barray constructor in kwargs.
fill(shape, dflt=None, dtype=float, **kwargs)

Return a new barray object of given shape and type, filled with dflt.

shape : int
Shape of the new array, e.g., (2,3).
dflt : Python or NumPy scalar
The value to be used during the filling process. If None, values are filled with zeros. Also, the resulting barray will have this value as its dflt value.
dtype : data-type, optional
The desired data-type for the array, e.g., numpy.int8. Default is numpy.float64.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray
Array filled with dflt values with the given shape and dtype.
See Also:
zeros(), ones()
fromiter(iterable, dtype, count, **kwargs)

Create a barray/btable from an iterable object.

iterable : iterable object
An iterable object providing data for the barray.
dtype : numpy.dtype instance
Specifies the type of the outcome object.
count : int
The number of items to read from iterable. If set to -1, means that the iterable will be used until exhaustion (not recommended, see note below).
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray/btable constructors.
out : a barray/btable object
Please specify count to both improve performance and to save memory. It allows fromiter to avoid looping the iterable twice (which is slooow). It avoids memory leaks to happen too (which can be important for large iterables).
ones(shape, dtype=float, **kwargs)

Return a new barray object of given shape and type, filled with ones.

shape : int
Shape of the new array, e.g., (2,3).
dtype : data-type, optional
The desired data-type for the array, e.g., numpy.int8. Default is numpy.float64.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray
Array of ones with the given shape and dtype.
See Also:
fill(), ones()

Return the current print options.

This is the same function than in NumPy. For more info, please refer to the NumPy documentation.

See Also:
array2string(), set_printoptions()
open(rootdir, mode='a')

Open a disk-based barray/btable.

rootdir : pathname (string)
The directory hosting the barray/btable object.
mode : the open mode (string)

Specifies the mode in which the object is opened. The supported values are:

  • ‘r’ for read-only
  • ‘w’ for emptying the previous underlying data
  • ‘a’ for allowing read/write on top of existing data
out : a barray/btable object or None (if not objects are found)
set_printoptions(precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=None, suppress=None, nanstr=None, infstr=None, formatter=None)

Set printing options.

These options determine the way floating point numbers in barray objects are displayed. This is the same function than in NumPy. For more info, please refer to the NumPy documentation.

See Also:
array2string(), get_printoptions()
zeros(shape, dtype=float, **kwargs)

Return a new barray object of given shape and type, filled with zeros.

shape : int
Shape of the new array, e.g., (2,3).
dtype : data-type, optional
The desired data-type for the array, e.g., numpy.int8. Default is numpy.float64.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray
Array of zeros with the given shape and dtype.
See Also:
fill(), zeros()
walk(dir, classname=None, mode='a')

Recursively iterate over barray/btable objects hanging from dir.

dir : string
The directory from which the listing starts.
classname : string
If specified, only object of this class are returned. The values supported are ‘barray’ and ‘btable’.
mode : string
The mode in which the object should be opened.
out : iterator
Iterator over the objects found.

Utility functions


Sets the number of threads that Blosc can use.

nthreads : int
The desired number of threads to use.
out : int
The previous setting for the number of threads.

Returns the version of the Blosc library.


Returns a list of compressors available in the Blosc build.

out : list
The list of names.

Returns the number of cores on a system.


Sets the number of threads to be used during BLZ operation.

This affects to both Blosc and Numexpr (if available).

nthreads : int
The number of threads to be used during BLZ operation.
out : int
The previous setting for the number of threads.
See Also:
test(verbose=False, heavy=False)

Run all the tests in the test suite.

If verbose is set, the test suite will emit messages with full verbosity (not recommended unless you are looking into a certain problem).

If heavy is set, the test suite will be run in heavy mode (you should be careful with this because it can take a lot of time and resources from your computer).

The barray class

class barray(array, bparams=None, dtype=None, dflt=None, expectedlen=None, chunklen=None, rootdir=None, mode='a')

A compressed and enlargeable in-memory data container.

barray exposes a series of methods for dealing with the compressed container in a NumPy-like way.

array : a NumPy-like object
This is taken as the input to create the barray. It can be any Python object that can be converted into a NumPy object. The data type of the resulting barray will be the same as this NumPy object.
bparams : instance of the bparams class, optional
Parameters to the internal Blosc compressor.
dtype : NumPy dtype
Force this dtype for the barray (rather than the array one).
dflt : Python or NumPy scalar
The value to be used when enlarging the barray. If None, the default is filling with zeros.
expectedlen : int, optional
A guess on the expected length of this barray. This will serve to decide the best chunklen used for compression and memory I/O purposes.
chunklen : int, optional
The number of items that fits on a chunk. By specifying it you can explicitly set the chunk size used for compression and memory I/O. Only use it if you know what are you doing.
rootdir : str, optional
The directory where all the data and metadata will be stored. If specified, then the barray object will be disk-based (i.e. all chunks will live on-disk, not in memory) and persistent (i.e. it can be restored in other session, e.g. via the open() top level function).
mode : str, optional

The mode that a persistent barray should be created/opened. The values can be:

  • ‘r’ for read-only
  • ‘w’ for read/write. During barray creation, the rootdir will be removed if it exists. During barray opening, the barray will be resized to 0.
  • ‘a’ for append (possible data inside rootdir will not be removed).

barray attributes


Accessor for attributes in barray objects.

This class behaves very similarly to a dictionary, and attributes can be appended in the typical way:

attrs['myattr'] = value

And can be retrieved similarly:

value = attrs['myattr']

Attributes can be removed with:

del attrs['myattr']

This class also honors the __iter__ and __len__ special functions. Moreover, a getall() method returns all the attributes as a dictionary.

CAVEAT: The values should be able to be serialized with JSON for persistence.


The compressed size of this object (in bytes).


The number of items that fits into a chunk.


The compression parameters for this object.


The value to be used when enlarging the barray.


The NumPy dtype for this object.


The length of this object.


The original (uncompressed) size of this object (in bytes).


The number of dimensions of this object (in bytes).


The shape of this object.


The size of this object.

barray methods


Append a numpy array to this instance.

array : NumPy-like object
The array to be appended. Must be compatible with shape and type of the barray.

Return a copy of this object.

kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
out : barray object
The copy of this object.

Flush data in internal buffers to disk.

This call should typically be done after performing modifications (__settitem__(), append()) in persistence mode. If you don’t do this, you risk loosing part of your modifications.

iter(start=0, stop=None, step=1, limit=None, skip=0)

Iterator with start, stop and step bounds.

start : int
The starting item.
stop : int
The item after which the iterator stops.
step : int
The number of items incremented during each iteration. Cannot be negative.
limit : int
A maximum number of elements to return. The default is return everything.
skip : int
An initial number of elements to skip. The default is 0.
out : iterator
See Also:
where(), wheretrue()

Returns a new barray containing the same data with a new shape.

newshape : int or tuple of ints
The new shape should be compatible with the original shape. If an integer, then the result will be a 1-D array of that length. One shape dimension can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the length of the array and remaining dimensions.
reshaped_array : barray
A copy of the original barray.

Resize the instance to have nitems.

nitems : int
The final length of the object. If nitems is larger than the actual length, new items will appended using self.dflt as filling values.

Return the sum of the array elements.

dtype : NumPy dtype
The desired type of the output. If None, the dtype of self is used. An exception is when self has an integer type with less precision than the default platform integer. In that case, the default platform integer is used instead (NumPy convention).
Return value:
out : NumPy scalar with dtype

Remove the trailing nitems from this instance.

nitems : int
The number of trailing items to be trimmed.
See Also:
where(boolarr, limit=None, skip=0)

Iterator that returns values of this object where boolarr is true.

This is currently only useful for boolean barrays that are unidimensional.

boolarr : a barray or NumPy array of boolean type
The boolean values.
limit : int
A maximum number of elements to return. The default is return everything.
skip : int
An initial number of elements to skip. The default is 0.
out : iterator
See Also:
iter(), wheretrue()
wheretrue(limit=None, skip=0)

Iterator that returns indices where this object is true.

This is currently only useful for boolean barrays that are unidimensional.

limit : int
A maximum number of elements to return. The default is return everything.
skip : int
An initial number of elements to skip. The default is 0.
out : iterator
See Also:
iter(), where()

barray special methods


x.__getitem__(key) <==> x[key]

Returns values based on key. All the functionality of ndarray.__getitem__() is supported (including fancy indexing), plus a special support for expressions:

key : string
It will be interpret as a boolean expression (computed via eval) and the elements where these values are true will be returned as a NumPy array.
See Also:
__setitem__(key, value):

x.__setitem__(key, value) <==> x[key] = value

Sets values based on key. All the functionality of ndarray.__setitem__() is supported (including fancy indexing), plus a special support for expressions:

key : string
It will be interpret as a boolean expression (computed via eval) and the elements where these values are true will be set to value.
See Also:

The btable class

class btable(columns, names=None, **kwargs)

This class represents a compressed, column-wise, in-memory table.

Create a new btable from columns with optional names.

columns : tuple or list of column objects
The list of column data to build the btable object. This can also be a pure NumPy structured array. A list of lists or tuples is valid too, as long as they can be converted into barray objects.
names : list of strings or string
The list of names for the columns. Alternatively, it can be specified as a string such as ‘f0 f1’ or ‘f0, f1’. If not passed, the names will be chosen as ‘f0’ for the top column, ‘f1’ for the second and so on so forth (NumPy convention).
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Allows to pass additional arguments supported by barray constructors in case new barrays need to be built.
Columns passed as barrays are not be copied, so their settings will stay the same, even if you pass additional arguments (bparams, chunklen...).

btable attributes


Accessor for attributes in btable objects.

See barray.attrs for a full description.


The compressed size of this object (in bytes).


The btable columns accessor.


The compression parameters for this object.


The NumPy dtype for this object.


The length of this object.


The names of the columns (list).


The original (uncompressed) size of this object (in bytes).


The number of dimensions of this object (in bytes).


The shape of this object.


The size of this object.

btable methods

addcol(newcol, name=None, pos=None, **kwargs)

Add a new newcol object as column.

newcol : barray, ndarray, list or tuple
If a barray is passed, no conversion will be carried out. If conversion to a barray has to be done, kwargs will apply.
name : string, optional
The name for the new column. If not passed, it will receive an automatic name.
pos : int, optional
The column position. If not passed, it will be appended at the end.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray constructor.
You should not specify both name and pos arguments, unless they are compatible.
See Also:

Append rows to this btable.

rows : list/tuple of scalar values, NumPy arrays or barrays
It also can be a NumPy record, a NumPy recarray, or another btable.

Return a copy of this btable.

kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the barray/btable constructor.
out : btable object
The copy of this btable.
delcol(name=None, pos=None)

Remove the column named name or in position pos.

name: string, optional
The name of the column to remove.
pos: int, optional
The position of the column to remove.
You must specify at least a name or a pos. You should not specify both name and pos arguments, unless they are compatible.
See Also:
eval(expression, **kwargs)

Evaluate the expression on columns and return the result.

expression : string
A string forming an expression, like ‘2*a+3*b’. The values for ‘a’ and ‘b’ are variable names to be taken from the calling function’s frame. These variables may be column names in this table, scalars, barrays or NumPy arrays.
kwargs : list of parameters or dictionary
Any parameter supported by the eval() top level function.
out : barray object
The outcome of the expression. You can tailor the properties of this barray by passing additional arguments supported by barray constructor in kwargs.
See Also:
eval() (top level function)

Flush data in internal buffers to disk.

This call should typically be done after performing modifications (__settitem__(), append()) in persistence mode. If you don’t do this, you risk loosing part of your modifications.

iter(start=0, stop=None, step=1, outcols=None, limit=None, skip=0)

Iterator with start, stop and step bounds.

start : int
The starting item.
stop : int
The item after which the iterator stops.
step : int
The number of items incremented during each iteration. Cannot be negative.
outcols : list of strings or string
The list of column names that you want to get back in results. Alternatively, it can be specified as a string such as ‘f0 f1’ or ‘f0, f1’. If None, all the columns are returned. If the special name ‘nrow__‘ is present, the number of row will be included in output.
limit : int
A maximum number of elements to return. The default is return everything.
skip : int
An initial number of elements to skip. The default is 0.
out : iterable
See Also:

Resize the instance to have nitems.

nitems : int
The final length of the instance. If nitems is larger than the actual length, new items will appended using self.dflt as filling values.

Remove the trailing nitems from this instance.

nitems : int
The number of trailing items to be trimmed.
See Also:
where(expression, outcols=None, limit=None, skip=0)

Iterate over rows where expression is true.

expression : string or barray
A boolean Numexpr expression or a boolean barray.
outcols : list of strings or string
The list of column names that you want to get back in results. Alternatively, it can be specified as a string such as ‘f0 f1’ or ‘f0, f1’. If None, all the columns are returned. If the special name ‘nrow__‘ is present, the number of row will be included in output.
limit : int
A maximum number of elements to return. The default is return everything.
skip : int
An initial number of elements to skip. The default is 0.
out : iterable
This iterable returns rows as NumPy structured types (i.e. they support being mapped either by position or by name).
See Also:

btable special methods


x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]

Returns values based on key. All the functionality of ndarray.__getitem__() is supported (including fancy indexing), plus a special support for expressions:

key : string
The corresponding btable column name will be returned. If not a column name, it will be interpreted as a boolean expression (computed via btable.eval) and the rows where these values are true will be returned as a NumPy structured array.
See Also:
__setitem__(key, value):

x.__setitem__(key, value) <==> x[key] = value

Sets values based on key. All the functionality of ndarray.__setitem__() is supported (including fancy indexing), plus a special support for expressions:

key : string
The corresponding btable column name will be set to value. If not a column name, it will be interpreted as a boolean expression (computed via btable.eval) and the rows where these values are true will be set to value.
See Also:

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